Voice 21 welcomes the government's commitment to oracy and helping every child find their voice

Voice 21 warmly welcomes the announcement from Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, that the recently launched Curriculum and Assessment Review will deliver on the Labour Party’s commitment to oracy and helping every child find their voice. 

In her statement, Phillipson declared: “Specifically, the Review will seek to deliver: … A curriculum that ensures children and young people leave compulsory education ready for life and ready for work, building the knowledge, skills and attributes young people need to thrive. This includes embedding digital, oracy and life skills in their learning.”

We believe that ensuring every child has access to a high-quality oracy education requires a whole-school approach. Any recommendations made as part of the review must: 

  • Ensure oracy is embedded across the curriculum, attending to the different ways language is used for learning, in each subject (i.e. disciplinary oracy) 
  • Include a focus on both learning to and learning through talk: students must learn both technical speaking skills necessary for school and life, and also have the opportunity to access and engage with their learning through talk
  • Be accompanied by strong plan for implementation of oracy education in schools and rigorous professional development for teachers

Dr Kate Paradine, CEO at Voice 21 said: “Oracy featured in Bridget Phillipson’s announcement of the Curriculum and Assessment Review, confirming that embedding oracy education to help every child find their voice remains a priority for the new Government. We look forward to working with the Government to ensure that every child has access to a high-quality oracy education and grows up knowing that their voice has value.”


Learn more about the positive impact embedding oracy in a school’s curriculum has in the Voice 21 annual impact journal: The Talking Point below.

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