Donate to Voice 21

With your help, we can continue to support the schools and students who need us most. Click on the link below to make a donation.

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Partner with us

Whether it be collaborating with us on a project, event or sector-wide initiative, nominating us as your Charity of the Year partner, or talking to us about other ideas you have to work with us, our External Relations team would love to hear from you.

Share our story

We’d love for you to spread the word about our mission and the work we do. Click here to share more about our work on Twitter.

Find out more about how your support can improve outcomes both for the students in classrooms today and for the generations to follow. 
With thanks to the organisations that help make our work possible.


We’d also like to thank the Leathersellers Charitable Trust, John Horseman Trust, Minton Charitable Trust.

© 2024 Voice 21. Voice 21 is a registered charity in England and Wales. Charity number 1152672 | Company no. 08165798