Torriano has a Language Resource Base for children with Developmental Language Disorder and has developed universal provision based on the specialist approaches developed there. Our research into vocabulary development as part of the universal provision was shared at the Camden Oracy conference and the Voice 21 Speaking Summit 2017.
We were inspired by these experiences and collaborations to identify improved pedagogy and curriculum development in Oracy as a whole school focus. The course was integral to the success of these objectives and offered a combination of practical application and exposure to current academic theory and research in this area. It also offered the opportunity to access a National network, innovating in a fast-developing field in education. Torriano is a very diverse school culturally and socioeconomically and we feel strongly that developing the oracy skills of our children, and embracing their right to be heard, is a catalyst for improved learning and outcomes for all.
The strength of the course has developed expertise so that I’m equipped and confident enough to share my learning and inspire a range of different stakeholders across the school and within the Voice Camden Oracy hub. For example developing accountability tools to plan and evaluate the impact of the programme, delivering training, and developing impact projects within school and across the Camden Oracy hub. This included showcasing teaching and supporting other support to develop their pedagogy. It has really inspiring to see the rapid impact on both pupil and teacher skill, engagement and confidence.
The impact has been significant. There has been a sea-change in the value of oracy and the time dedicated to it in the curriculum. The course has been a really important part of this, connecting the school and key leaders to expert training which will enable leadership to plan over time the successful journey to embedding a culture of oracy. I have had the opportunity to influence appraisal and galvanize governors to engage and support this process.
The mix of practical and academic support. It has been incredible to have such a high level of support from my mentor. I am very excited by the innovative ethos and feel supported and encouraged to take risks and be part of this cohort of future leaders. Together we have developed a lens through which we can lead change nationally. This feels very special.
Communication has been excellent, particularly the Iris platform with resources and support readily available, which has been invaluable in implementing what I have learned in the course. The input has been wide-ranging and influential; for example from within and beyond the education sector such as business psychologists. This has been fascinating and I will bring back this openness and momentum for change to my colleagues in school.
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