Enhancing oracy in the classroom with Immersive human stories

As educators, we all know that every student deserves to have their voice heard. However, with large class sizes, varying personalities, fear, and lack of engagement, it can sometimes be a challenge to ensure that this happens. However, immersive and interactive storytelling can offer teachers a powerful tool to spark discussion and debate and build oracy in the classroom. When used effectively, this can help negate some of these complications that might cause some voices to be lost.

Haleema Ahmed, spent 10 years teaching in schools across Birmingham and London. She began working at Lyfta who create multi-sensory classroom resources last year, and she was invited to speak at the our annual conference, Unheard Voices, Lost Potential, back in April, where she shared her experience of using Lyfta in the classroom and how it helped her students find their voices.

Resources like Lytfa have been especially effective in developing strong oracy capabilities in classrooms, especially those featuring real human stories that resonate with learners on an emotional level. 

Unheard Voices, Lost Potential explored the ways in which student voices can get lost in the classroom, and the role of educators in ensuring that no student gets left behind. This gave Haleema a lot to think about. She observed that when her students are silent in class, whether due to a language barrier, lack of confidence or other reasons, it can have a real and measurable impact on a child reaching their potential. As a teacher, Haleema is passionate about diversifying and decolonising the curriculum, but found that  weaving diverse stories into the curriculum was often a challenge. 

One particular story that stood out for Haleema was that of a young boy in her class who came from Afghanistan. This particular boy was very much  an ‘unheard voice’. All the encouragement to participate was unsuccessful until the class happened to experience the ‘Daily Bread’ Lyfta storyworld from Afghanistan. The story is a simple one, where we meet the owner of a small bakery in Kabul and hear about the traditional Afghan method of making bread. Students experience street life in Kabul through a 360° video of the market street outside and can explore the bakery. 

At last this child could see himself and his identity being represented and celebrated. Other children were interested, they asked questions and at last he spoke up, keen to share his own experience of the place, the food, and of his own heritage. This precious moment had a remarkable impact on his schooling experience and the way he interacted with those around him which continued long after the lesson – indeed it was a transformational moment for the boy and Haleema as a teacher.

Integrating oracy alongside immersive and interactive learning experiences can give students access to people, places and perspectives they might otherwise have no experience of. This means students have a window into the lives of others but also see themselves reflected and represented.

Find out more about using Lyfta and get started for free here.

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