Voice North East Oracy Exhibition: celebrating a year of collaboration between Voice 21 and 70 schools across the region to deliver high-quality oracy education to students.

“Oracy isn’t a stand alone activity for us. We’re integrating these strategies into all areas of the day, whether that’s maths, storytime or free play.”

the logo of the voice north east project

On Tuesday 9th July, national oracy charity, Voice 21, will be hosting a celebratory event to highlight the achievements of 70 schools across Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland, who have spent the last year learning how to successfully implement oracy practices into their classrooms. The event will showcase the positive impact oracy education has been having on students in the North East region. 

Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language and listening.

Dr Kate Paradine, CEO at Voice 21, says: “We believe that schools have the power to change a child’s life and create a fairer society. Speaking and listening skills set children up for success, and to thrive in school and life. So it was inspiring to read the stories in the Voice North East Journal and hear about the impact oracy has had on students in the North East. Thank you to all the teachers and students across the region who have participated.”

Teachers involved in the project have been pleased to see brilliant progress by their students since embedding oracy into their daily practice, even after a short period of time. Wendy Curry, Teaching Assistant at St Bede’s Primary School, says: “We’ve been really surprised by how quickly quieter children have started to participate more in both play and guided activities.” 

Westgate Hill Primary School said: “Seeing the impact on them, some of them being so brave and speaking out for the first time has been amazing, and they wouldn’t have had these opportunities if we weren’t doing oracy.”

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